
You can’t spell Valentine without “lent,” the Facebook meme quipped. Just fifty days after Christmas, Ash Wednesday on February 14 begins the forty days of Lent. What a wonderful way to remember the season by attending one of our Tuesday noon recitals. Better yet, invite a friend or a neighbor to join you for one of these thirty-minute programs.

Details are still being finalized for our April weekend with Barbara Lister-Sink. Stay tuned to find out more about this injury prevention guru who is really in the top of her field. Speaking of loose ends, be sure to save the date June 2 for our end of the year banquet and installation of officers. There are more details to come, but I can tell you we will again welcome a representative from AGO National Headquarters in NYC to bring greetings and install officers. As has become our custom, we will invite and graciously host our friends and colleagues from the St. Petersburg and Tampa Chapters.

Hope to see you on a Tuesday very soon!

Shawn Thomas, Dean